A Distributed Framework for Minimizing the Asymmetrical Power Request in Multi-Agent Microgrids With Unbalanced Integration of DERs

Microgrids (MGs) are initiated in power systems to speed up the integration of the independently operated distributed energy resources (DERs) into the network. In this regard, in multi-agent microgrids (MAMGs), independent agents aim to operate their resources, while the MG operator (MGO) coordinates independent agents to address the operational issues and ensures reliability of the system. In an MAMG, the high integration of single-phase DERs as well as their independent operational scheduling could result in the asymmetrical power flow in the upper-level system. Respectively, addressing the asymmetrical power request of the MAMGs by exploiting the scheduling of DERs seems to be essential due to the limited flexibility capacity in the upper-level power network, which would finally improve the operating condition of the power system. Consequently, this paper aims to develop a transactive-based scheme to minimize the conceived asymmetrical operation of MAMGs. Accordingly, MGO employs transactive energy signals to minimize the asymmetrical power request of the MAMG by exploiting the scheduling of DERs, while ensuring the privacy of independent agents. Eventually, the proposed framework is applied on an MAMG test system to study its efficacy in alleviating the asymmetrical power request from the upper-level system.

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Direct Control Strategy of Real-Time Tracking Power Generation Plan for Wind Power and Battery Energy Storage Combined System


To improve the overall economy of the wind-energy storage power station, a direct control strategy is proposed to track the deviation of the wind power plan. Compared with the traditional strategy of wind power fluctuation mitigation, the control strategy in this paper can change the charge and discharge power of energy storage in real-time according to the deviation of wind power and the state of charge (SOC). When the power of wind power changes suddenly, the strategy can make the valid judgment and prevent control failure, so that Grid-connected power of wind farm in extreme cases can also meet the requirements of the safe and stable operation of the power system. The strategy uses the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to analyze the power deviation of the wind farm in the frequency domain and obtains power compensation requirements for different time scales. Energy storage equipment with corresponding characteristics is used to classify control of deviation of wind power. The compensated power deviation can meet the requirements in market competition. At the same time, the power exchange between storage systems is carried out to optimize the state of charge in real-time and make the energy-type energy storage in shallow charge/discharge state, which effectively reduces the repeated regulation of energy storage systems. Finally, this paper establishes a comprehensive economic benefit model of the energy storage system. Combining the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC) and backward scenario reduction technology generate multiple scenarios. The calculation results show that the proposed strategy can effectively track the deviation of the wind power plan. Furthermore, prolong the service life of the energy storage system and improve the market competitiveness of wind power.

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