Preparing Your Article

Article Acceptance Requirements

The criteria for an article to be accepted for publication in IEEE Access include:

  1. The article must be original writing that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area. Original review articles and surveys are acceptable, even if new data/concepts are not presented.
  2. Results reported must not have been submitted or published elsewhere (although expanded versions of conference publications are eligible for submission).
  3. Experiments, statistics, and other analyses must be performed to a high technical standard and described in sufficient detail.
  4. Conclusions must be presented clearly and supported by the data.
  5. Article must be written in standard English with correct grammar.
  6. Appropriate references to related prior published works must be included.
  7. The article must fall within the scope of IEEE Access. To help you decide, you should consider if the article topic falls within the umbrella of IEEE topics of interest.

Avoid Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication

Each article submitted to IEEE Access is scanned for plagiarism, including similarity to an author’s own work.

Article submissions that plagiarize another author’s work will be rejected from IEEE Access, and cases will be reported to the IEEE Publishing Ethics Team. For more information on the appropriate way to cite other authors’ work, please click here.

IEEE Access accepts expanded versions of an author’s own referenced conference articles, as long as the similarity is less than 35%. In such cases, authors are expected to describe the connection in the manuscript and disclose it in the cover letter, as well as answer the corresponding question during the submission process accordingly. If the overlap is higher (effectively duplicate publication) or the source article is not referenced, the article will be rejected.

Reuse of an author’s own thesis or dissertation is allowed, as long as it is cited and has not been published elsewhere.

For reuse of an illustration from a copyrighted material in your review article, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder and cite and properly credit the source references, especially in the caption of the illustration.

Preprints of authors’ articles to their own web site, their employer’s site, or to another server that invites constructive comment from colleagues and provides a publication time stamp are allowed. Upon publication of an article by IEEE, an author is required to transfer copyright in the article to IEEE, and the author must update any previously posted version of the article with a prominently displayed IEEE copyright notice. Upon publication of an article by the IEEE, the author must replace any previously posted electronic versions of the article with either (1) the full citation to the IEEE work with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), or (2) the accepted version only with the DOI (not the IEEE-published version).

Articles submitted to IEEE Access should not be under consideration for peer review at any other journal (duplicate submission).

Proper Grammar

Proper grammar is a requirement for publication in IEEE Access. Any articles submitted with poor grammar will be immediately rejected. 

If needed, IEEE Access offers Paperpal Preflight to assist authors with checking their manuscript for any grammar issues prior to submission. Check your manuscript on Paperpal Preflight by clicking here.

Additionally, IEEE Access authors are eligible for discounts at the following language editing services:

Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Generated Text

The use of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in an article (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any article submitted to an IEEE publication. The AI system used shall be identified, and specific sections of the article that use AI-generated content shall be identified and accompanied by a brief explanation regarding the level at which the AI system was used to generate the content.

The use of AI systems for editing and grammar enhancement is common practice and, as such, is generally outside the intent of the above policy. In this case, disclosure as noted above is recommended.

IEEE Author Digital Tools

Please use the IEEE Math Guidelines.

Refer to the IEEE Editorial Style Manual.

Find additional tools (for example, check your references and validate your pdf or LaTeX files) in the IEEE Author Center.

For information on supplemental materials and video integration, please visit the IEEE Author Center.

IEEE Access Required Article Templates

IEEE Access requires that all article submissions use one of the following templates, submitted as a Word or LaTex file and as a PDF file upon submission:  IEEE Access Templates for Microsoft Word and LaTex.*

*If Overleaf is being used to prepare your manuscript, please be sure unzip the file from inside Overleaf.

Defining Acronyms and Abbreviations

Authors must define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the article, even if they have already been defined in the abstract.  Acronyms and abbreviations can have multiple meanings so it is important that these are clearly defined.

Supplemental Material

You may submit supplemental material (code, data, etc.) with your article submission, which will be posted on IEEE Xplore under the tab “media” with your published article. IEEE Access provides the following services:

Video integration
Video may be simulations, demonstrations, or interviews with other experts, for example, and can be a great tool to enhance and promote your article. The video file should not exceed 100 MB and must be included in the peer review with the article. Any video published with an article will automatically be published as a graphical abstract (GA). IEEE Access continually hosts a Best Video Award where authors have a chance to win a $500 USD Amazon gift card. For more information, please visit the Best Video Award announcement.

Code Ocean
A cloud-based computational reproducibility platform, integrated with IEEE Xplore that enables IEEE authors to publish their executable code associated with research articles. Code may be uploaded at submission, revision or after acceptance of the article. For more information on Code Ocean, please click here.

IEEE DataPort
A repository of datasets and data analysis tools. The repository is designed to accept all types of datasets, including Big Data datasets up to 2TB, and it provides both downloading capabilities and access to Cloud services to enable data analysis in the Cloud. For standard dataset uploads, there is no cost to the author. For more information on IEEE DataPort, please click here.


Check out this video from the IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Derek Abbott, on tips for getting your article published in IEEE Access: How to Get Published In IEEE Access