Security and Privacy in Emerging Decentralized Communication Environments

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Security and Privacy in Emerging Decentralized Communication Environments.

Modern, decentralized digital communication environments are changing with the availability of new technologies, and the development of new, real-world applications, which lead to novel challenges in security, such as: 5G/6G mobile applications, smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices, big data applications, and cloud systems. Mobile – cloud architecture is emerging as 5G /6G mobile IoT devices are generating large volumes of data, which need cloud infrastructure to process. Many IoT systems and cloud systems are decentralized and Blockchain is emerging in decentralized networks. The increasing interdependence of IT solutions accepted by society has led to a sharp increase in data. As a result, chances of data leakage or privacy infringement also increase, along with the need for new solutions for digital security and privacy protection.

This Special Section in IEEE Access aims to report highlighted security and privacy research in modern, decentralized digital communication environments. The Special Section invites experts and scholars in the fields of digital security, so that readers can keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry, and master the latest security technologies. The Special Section will support industry researchers working with emerging decentralized communication environments to solve real-world security problems. This Special Section will focus on relevant emerging digital security and privacy protection solutions.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Security and privacy in 5G /6G mobile / wireless networks
  • Security and privacy in the smart mobile Internet of Things
  • Security and privacy in Blockchain based decentralized networks
  • Security and privacy in 5G vehicular network
  • Security and privacy in 5G device to device communications
  • Security and privacy for big data in cloud applications

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor:   Xiaochun Cheng, Middlesex University, UK

Guest Editors:

  1.   Zheli Liu, Nankai University, China
  2.   James Xiaojiang Du, Temple University, USA
  3.   Shui Yu,   University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  4.  Leonardo Mostarda, Università di Camerino, Italy


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Advances in Prognostics and System Health Management
  2. Smart Caching, Communications, Computing and Cybersecurity for Information-Centric Internet of Things
  3. D2D Communications: Security Issues and Resource Allocation

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: