Prediction of Re-Occurrences of Spoofed ACK Packets Sent to Deflate a Target Wireless Sensor Network Node by DDOS

The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has evolved into a new IoT scheme, and its adoption has no restrictions at present. Sadly, security has an impact on the network of wireless sensors, and Denial-of-Service (DOS) categories of attacks are security concerns. This study therefore focuses on the distributed denial of service (DDOS), especially on DDoS-PSH-ACK (ACK & PUSH ACK Flood) in WSN. An experimental analysis was developed to predict that many spoofed ACK packets were reoccurring in order to deflate the target node. In the proposed approach, several experimental scenarios for the DDOS detection function were established and implemented. The experimental analysis draws traffic flow within the several transmission sessions involving “the normal transmission within sensor nodes and cluster head”, as well as the “transmission and retransmission scenarios within the sensor nodes and cluster head” at same time with different signal sizes. The main contribution of the paper is predicting DDoS attack by variability of transmission behavior with high degree accuracy. It was established that the most ideal delay between transmissions is 23 milliseconds in order to ensure that the receiving end is not overwhelmed. The result of the current study highlighted that when transmission session gets overwhelmed, that influence DDOS success.

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