Carrier Lifetime Dependence on Temperature and Proton Irradiation in 4H-SiC Device: An Experimental Law

The study focuses on analysing the high-level carrier lifetime ( τHL ) in 4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC) PiN diodes under varying temperatures and proton implantation doses. The objective is to identify an empirical law applicable in technology computer-aided design (TCAD) modelling for SiC devices, describing the dependence of carrier lifetime on temperature to gain insights into how irradiation dose may influence the τHL . We electrically characterize diodes of different diameters subjected to different proton irradiation doses and examine the variations in current-voltage (I-V) and ideality factor (n) curves under various irradiation conditions. The effects of proton irradiation on the epitaxial layer are analysed through capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. We correlate the observed effects on I-V, n, and C-V curves to the hypothesis of formation of acceptor-type defects related to carbon vacancies, specifically the Z 1/2 defects generated during the irradiation process. The impact of irradiation on carrier lifetime is investigated by measuring τHL using the open circuit voltage decay (OCVD) technique at different temperatures on diodes exposed to various H+ irradiation doses with constant ion energy. This investigation reveals the presence of a proportional relationship between 1/ τHL and the dose of irradiated protons: the proportionality coefficient, referred to as the damage coefficient (K T ), exhibits an Arrhenius-type dependence on temperature. OCVD-measured lifetime on the various diodes demonstrates a power-law dependence of lifetime on temperature. The exponent of this dependence varies with the irradiation dose, notably showing an increase in temperature dependence at the highest H+ ion dose. This suggests a threshold-like dependence on H+ irradiation dose in the τHL -temperature relationship.

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Absorption of 5G Radiation in Brain Tissue as a Function of Frequency, Power and Time

The rapid release of 5G wireless communications networks has spurred renewed concerns regarding the interactions of higher radiofrequency (RF) radiation with living species. We examine RF exposure and absorption in ex vivo bovine brain tissue and a brain simulating gel at three frequencies: 1.9 GHz, 4 GHz and 39 GHz that are relevant to current (4G), and upcoming (5G) spectra. We introduce a highly sensitive thermal method for the assessment of radiation exposure, and derive experimentally, accurate relations between the temperature rise (ΔT), specific absorption rate (SAR) and the incident power density (F), and tabulate the coefficients, ΔT/ΔF and Δ(SAR)/ΔF, as a function of frequency, depth and time. This new method provides both ΔT and SAR applicable to the frequency range below and above 6 GHz as shown at 1.9, 4 and 39 GHz, and demonstrates the most sensitive experimental assessment of brain tissue exposure to millimeter-wave radiation to date, with a detection limit of 1 mW. We examine the beam penetration, absorption and thermal diffusion at representative 4G and 5G frequencies and show that the RF heating increases rapidly with frequency due to decreasing RF source wavelength and increasing power density with the same incident power and exposure time. We also show the temperature effects of continuous wave, rapid pulse sequences and single pulses with varying pulse duration, and we employ electromagnetic modeling to map the field distributions in the tissue. Finally, using this new methodology, we measure the thermal diffusivity of ex vivo bovine brain tissue experimentally.

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