Roadmap to 5G: Rising to the Challenge
Submission Deadline: 28 April 2019
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Roadmap to 5G: Rising to the Challenge.
5G technology is crucial for building a modern information society (in Europe it is called a gigabit society). This is a society in which a citizen uses real-time interactive e-government services and advanced e-health diagnostics surrounded by Internet of Things services or participates in mass cultural events through high-quality digital media. It is expected that 5G will also increase revenue from mobile business applications by providing them a seamless, reliable communication service without the need for physical application installation on terminal equipment.
The horizon for the forthcoming network is 2020-2025 in several countries, and different strategies are being proposed by governments and enterprises in order to eliminate barriers, integrate solutions and start installation of required hardware. We can say that 5G is almost there, at least as far as research is concerned. However, there are many different inherent issues related to the development of the infrastructure. Among them, economic issues appear due to the conflict of interests between operators and citizenship (to operators, investment is only advantageous in dense hotspots). In addition, health problems may arise by high radiation of electromagnetic fields in cumulative 5G networks. Other issues are concerned with bandwidth access and sharing since the current bandwidth is not enough for the expected massive use of the mobile infrastructure. At last, implementation barriers appear where end-to-end communications with multiple radio and wired standards are concerned.
Some of these problems require political actions (regulations), others require business plans which may ensure revenues for required high investments. All the challenges may be faced by the introduction of technological solutions, which should make the implementation of 5G easier and smoother. This Special Section in IEEE Access aims at presenting the roadmap for the implementation of 5G network through the presentation of any challenges and the proposition of solutions in order to provide smooth research-to-market actions. This Special Section is not limited to research issues even if research challenges are included, but goes beyond by providing a vision of all aspects engaged in the 5G development roadmap. Therefore, we expect reports of experience and new technical insights/ideas presenting 5G deployment challenges, as well as potential solutions from all the stakeholders including operators, hardware vendors, the academic community and administration holders.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Benefits of 5G in the society: smart factories, smart cities, smart transport
- Present initiatives of 5G implementations and global use cases showing 5G development
- Standardization and interwork of standards
- Current limitations and necessary regulations
- Legal aspects related with the use of the new infrastructure (e.g., multi-operator scenarios)
- New technological solutions for improving implementation
- Existing best practices opening the road to deployment in local markets
- Innovative business plans for 5G exploitation
- Motivation actions for 5G development. Assimilation of global plans
- Novel measurements for clarifying requirements for the forthcoming network
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Kostas E. Psannis, University of Macedonia, Greece
Guest Editors:
- Muhammad Imran, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
- Wael Guibene, Amazon Lab126, USA
- Tomohiko Taniguchi, Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, Japan
- Jaime Ruiz Alonso, Nokia Inc., Spain
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Modelling, Analysis, and Design of 5G Ultra-Dense Networks
- Emerging Technologies for Device to Device Communications
- Emerging Technologies for Vehicle to Everything (V2X)
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Urban Computing & Well-being in Smart Cities: Services, Applications, Policymaking Considerations
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2019
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Urban Computing & Well-being in Smart Cities: Services, Applications, Policymaking Considerations.
Research on smart cities is maturing and the question of securing the well-being of cities’ inhabitants is attracting increased attention of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Urban computing occupies an important position, as advances in this domain will define the scope of possible developments and policymaking strategies in any city. Considering the challenges and opportunities cities/urban spaces generate, today the imperative is to examine how targeted research and cutting-edge innovation can be effectively communicated to all stakeholders. Thus, synergies emerging at the research-innovation-policymaking nexus can be exploited and thus city dwellers’ well-being can be enhanced. Urban computing serves as a framework that integrates increasingly sophisticated technologies pertinent to the Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore pervasive computing, big data analytics, crowdsourcing, and volunteered geographic information, including user behavior, brand popularity, recommender systems, and social media analytics bears the promise and potential that viable solutions to key problems and challenges specific to cities/urban spaces will be solved. The objective of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to examine this promise and potential from a variety of complementary interdisciplinary perspectives, including (but not limited to) computing/ICT, political economy, public policy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- ICTs and their role in integrative knowledge management systems for smart cities.
- Application of public policies aimed at boosting research and innovation for smart cities.
- Smart generation of volunteered information to finance research and innovation promotion in smart cities.
- Pervasive computing applied in the transformation from cities to smart cities.
- Smart and collaborative mobile applications to analyze the human dynamics in big cities.
- The role of cryptocurrency technology for Social Economic Growth in smart cities.
- Case studies based on IoT and Big Data Analytics technologies applied to smart cities.
- Enhancement and strategic development of skills and competencies for the required digital transformation to develop public policy making.
- Advanced computing approaches and systems for international business leadership in the context of smart cities.
- Building of international innovation networks enabled by sound technological innovative applications for the sustainability of smart cities.
- Blended (concept- and practice-driven) approaches to smart cities research
- Smart and open data acquisition and processing
- Pervasive and mobile computing to analyze the social impact in smart cities
- Cloud computing for smart services inside smart cities
- Smart healthcare applications in the development of public safety policies
- Big Data Analytics to smart data from smart cities
- Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to smart cities applications
- Crowd-sensing with 5G sensors to smart cities
- Nanotechnology applied to successful cases in smart cities
- Cognitive computing to describe behavior in the knowledge society
- Regulatory and policymaking considerations, including the role of international organizations in context of smart cities and their evolution
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Miltiadis D. Lytras, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Guest Editors:
- Ernesto Damiani, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Anna Visvizi, Effat University, Saudi Arabia
- Miguel Torres-Ruiz, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
- Peiquan Jin, University of Science and Technology China, China
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Social Computing Applications for Smart Cities
- Human-Centered Smart Systems and Technologies
- Key technologies for Smart Factory of Industry 4.0
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Applications of Big Data in Social Sciences
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2018
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Applications of Big Data in Social Sciences.
What does Big Data mean for contemporary Social Sciences? How can velocity, variety and volume of Big Data streams be employed to gain a better understanding of complex socio-economical facts? Is Big Data a viable tool to address social problems? As data becomes more and more valuable, who will own and control access to it?
With the rapid increase of the sheer amount of social data produced and that is available, a particular recent trend for researchers from Social Sciences is to understand the potential of Big Data in complementing traditional research methods and their value in making decisions. Indeed, Big Data requires a revisit of data analysis techniques in fundamental ways at all stages from data acquisition and storage to data transformation and interpretation. In particular, the task of collecting and analyzing data — which is at the heart of the Big Data Analytics pipeline — underwent pressing (and somewhat daunting) challenges in the domain of Social Sciences. The types of available data fall into various categories: social data (e.g., Twitter feeds, Facebook likes), data about mobility and geospatial locations (e.g., sensor data collected through mobile phones or satellite images), data collected from government administrative sources and multi-lingual text datasets, only to name a few. In addition, data is often fragmented across many sources and often requires translation from one language (or specific format) to another and, in some extreme cases, a translation between different scientific disciplines is needed.
Several major issues have to be closely investigated around Big Data in Social Sciences. First, missing data is a main concern for Social Science researchers, especially for those who aim to study the effectiveness of data-driven approaches in the decision-making process. Second, social data generated from human interactions are often unreliable. Data collection processes should therefore incorporate mechanisms to spot potential inaccuracies and quantify to what extent inaccuracies are reflected in the outcomes of the data analysis tasks. Finally, the speed at which social data is generated from humans interacting through the increasing number of platforms and the myriad of interacting devices poses several challenges for effective real-time responses.
This Special Section in IEEE Access aims at presenting the latest developments, trends, and research solutions of Big Data in Social Sciences. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Data Heterogeneity issues in Social Sciences
- Big Data applications and methods in Sociology, Politics, Economics
- Novel data collection techniques for reliable Social data
- Novel Infrastructures and architectures for data-driven social applications
- Big Data infrastructures for Social Sciences and Humanities
- Big Data analytics for social sciences in IoT
- Ethical frameworks about privacy and informed consent
- Social Media in Social Sciences and Politics
- Using Big Data to test social theories
- Predictive modeling of social behaviors
- Applications concerning Big Data in Humanities and Art
- Investigations about the impact of Big Data analytics on human behaviors
- Programming frameworks and middleware for “agile’’ Big Data analytics
- Machine Learning techniques for Big Data analytics in social sciences
- Cognitive technologies for Big Data in social sciences
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Pasquale De Meo, University of Messina, Italy
Guest Editors:
- Fabrizio Messina, University of Catania, Italy
- Michael Sheng, Macquarie University, Australia
- Jianguo Yao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China
- Giuseppe Di Fatta, University of Reading, UK
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking
- Advanced Data Analytics for Large-scale Complex Data Environments
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2017
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking.
Recently, due to the rapid proliferation of sensors and intelligent devices, a new revolution in computing and communication has been witnessed. The next generation of computing and networking will utilize a wide variety of resources with significant sensing capabilities. Such computing and networking will extend beyond physically linked computers to include multimodal information from biological, cognitive, semantic, and social networks. This paradigm shift will involve symbiotic networks of human (social networks), intelligent devices, and mobile portable devices (e.g., smart phones, PDAs, iPads), that will form Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking (CPSCN). These devices and the network will be constantly sensing, monitoring, and interpreting the environment, which is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). The symbiosis of IoT and social networks will have significant implications for both the market for advanced computing and communication infrastructure and future markets – for approximately 5 billion people — that CPSCN will create.
Many researchers have paid much attention to CPSCN since it still faces many challenges (e.g., architecture, security, privacy, incentive mechanism, etc.). This Special Section in IEEE Access is inviting researchers who are working on related research areas to contribute high quality articles to present the most recent advances on emerging technologies in CPSCN, applications, architectures, and big data challenges. Both original practical work and review articles are welcome.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Architectural, modeling and simulation of CPSCN
- Incentives mechanism design for CPSCN
- Routing protocol, data dissemination and offloading algorithms design for CPSCN
- Security, privacy and trust for CPSCN
- Community detection and network evolution analysis for CPSCN
- Mobile social sensing for CPSCN
- Social network analysis and social influence analysis for CPSCN
- Big Data mining and analytics for CPSCN
- Cloud computing and fog computing for CPSCN
- Machine learning models and methods for CPSCN
- Smart worlds, smart cities and smart medicines for CPSCN
- Green computing and sustainable computing for CPSCN
- Resource and service management, scheduling, and migration for CPSCN
- New applications on CPSCN
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Guest Editors:
- Huan Zhou, China Three Gorges University, China
- Qingchen Zhang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
- Chunsheng Zhu, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Houcine Hassan, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Vincenzo Piuri, Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Victor C. M. Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- The Plethora of Research in Internet of Things (IoT)
- Recent Advances in Socially-aware Mobile Networking
- Industrial Sensor Networks with Advances Data Management: Design and Security
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Security and Privacy for Vehicular Networks
Submission Deadline: 15 August 2018
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Security and Privacy for Vehicular Networks.
In recent years, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and vehicles, especially cars, have developed a lot. More and more sensors and communication technologies (e.g., cloud computing) are integrated with cars, which opens up a new design space for vehicular-based applications. Prospectively, vehicular networks are envisioned to support vehicular-based, road-based and traffic-based data sensing, transmitting and processing for ITS applications, and eventually evolve towards a new paradigm, named Vehicular Networks (VNs), which bundle the characteristics of networks into vehicular networks. The social features and mobility patterns of vehicles are used to design efficient and effective message forwarding methods. In common, network analysis techniques (such as node centrality, similarity, and community structure) are employed to explore the vehicles’ attributes and behavior, discover their relationships, and study their implications.
Although VNs are expected to have wide-range applications in future ITS services, considerable technical issues are challenging and need to be solved. The performance of content dissemination in VNs heavily relies on the communication between vehicles, and the behaviors of human beings inside. similar to an online networks, both malicious behaviors could exist and users’ privacy could be exposed in VNs. Therefore, as a crucial content transmission and processing platform for ITS, VNs should inherently ensure security and privacy from cyber physical systems to users. For example, the ways to protect location privacy in vehicular networks have been actively studied in recent years, as the locations of vehicles are frequently used for authentication during the data transmission process, which makes it easier for attackers to launch attacks by threaten the location privacy of vehicles. Mitigating security attacks and protecting individual privacy by developing security-aware techniques are pressing needs for researchers in academia and industry.
The objective of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to collect articles on the state of the art and practices of vehicular networks. In particular, we are soliciting theoretical and applied research in security and privacy solutions including algorithms, modeling, technologies and applications.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Trust establishment and measurement for vehicular networks
- Access authentication for vehicular networks
- Analysis and optimization for modeling attacks for vehicular networks
- Attack resistant in vehicular networks
- Individual privacy protection in vehicular networks
- Architecture, strategies and/or algorithms for security-based vehicular networking
- Protocols, scheduling, and/or designs for security-based vehicular networking
- Data storage, and data offloading for security-aware vehicles
- Security and privacy-based method and protocols for Internet of Vehicles
- Security and privacy solutions for vehicular cloud computing
- Security handoff scheme between different network access for vehicles
- Standards, policy and regulation for V2X communication systems considering security and privacy
- Security-based hardware, devices and designs for V2X communication systems
- New technologies and research trends
- Case studies and testbeds
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Zhaolong Ning, Dalian University of Technology, China
Guest Editors:
- Ruilong Deng, University of Alberta, Canada
- Liangtian Wan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Lei Mo, INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique, France
- Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fellow of IEEE, Fordham University, USA
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things
- Privacy Preservation for Large-Scale User Data in Social Networks
- Trusted Computing
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Social Computing Applications for Smart Cities
Submission Deadline: 30 April 2018
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Social Computing Applications for Smart Cities.
Computer and social sciences offer a wide set of tools to help face the world’s challenges arising in smart city scenarios and involving environment, energy, food, water, transportation, infrastructures, society, healthcare, education, governance, and economy. Indeed, purely technical solutions might be of little effect without proper consideration of the social dimension of the smart city: user’s behavior depends on a variety of social and individual motivations, which require addressing both the technical and the social side of the problem to promote the active engagement of individuals in increasing the social good.
More specifically, social computing tools can be targeted to a wide range of Smart Cities applications, including urban transport and fleet logistics management (possibly leveraging electric vehicles or other intelligent transportation systems), traffic, public safety and air pollution monitoring via smart traffic lights, smart signals and lampposts, automation of Smart Buildings and homes with the aim of improving energy efficiency, livability and age-friendliness; smart health; Smart Industries, electricity grids, water systems, and solid waste management; frameworks for educational, cultural, and entertainment initiatives.
This Special Section in IEEE Access on social computing applications for smart cities aims to bring together researchers to disseminate their findings in the field of social computing while pushing forward the potential cooperation with related engineering fields in the context of Smart Cities. Original scientific contributions (including experimental/pilot project assessments) and overview/survey papers are encouraged.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Social Media Analytics and Intelligent Social Media
- Social Behavior Modeling
- Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Representation, and Influence Process Modeling
- Methods for motivating contribution and participation in social computing systems
- Middleware for developing social computing applications
- Privacy mechanisms related to social computing data and systems
- Design and evaluation of behavioural change support systems for sustainability
- Recommender systems and social matchmaking systems for mobility and resource consumption
- Crowdsourcing, collaborative content creation and social collaboration tools
- Social gaming and gamified interactions
- Modeling, analysis and knowledge extraction of users social interactions in mobile and pervasive social networks
- Experimental platforms and testbeds for social interaction in smart cities
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Cristina Rottondi, Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Switzerland
Guest Editors:
- Piero Fraternali, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Giacomo Verticale, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Jasminko Novak, European Institute for Participatory Media and University of Applied Sciences Straslund, Germany
- Balázs Hidasi, Gravityrd, Hungary
- Konstantinos Pelechrinis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Carmen Karina Vaca-Ruiz, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Recent Advances in Socially-aware Mobile Networking
- Socially Enabled Networking and Computing
- Advances of Multisensory Services and Technologies for Healthcare in Smart Cities
- Intelligent Sensing on Mobile and Social Media Analytics
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Privacy Preservation for Large-Scale User Data in Social Networks
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2018
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Privacy Preservation for Large-Scale User Data in Social Networks.
Social networks have become one of the most popular platforms for people to communicate and interact with their friends, and share personal information and experiences (e.g., Facebook has over 1.23 billion monthly active users). The increasing popularity of social networks has generated extremely large-scale user data (e.g., Twitter generates 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year). These data can help improve people’s quality of life as well as benefit various interest groups (e.g., advertisers, application developers, and data-mining researchers). Given the huge amount of user data and relations available in social networks, however, privacy may be compromised if learning algorithms are used on the released data to infer undisclosed private information. Hence, user data privacy preservation has become one of the most urgent research issues in social networks.
A great deal of effort has been devoted to protecting user data privacy. Aside from cryptography and security protocols, there has been work on enforcing industry standards such as the platform for privacy preferences project (P3P) and government policies (e.g., HIPAA regulations) to grant individuals control over their own privacy. These existing techniques and policies aim to block the direct disclosure of private information to a certain extent. However, these still lack techniques that can effectively prevent the indirect disclosure of privacy in social networks, which can be achieved by intelligently combining large-scale seemingly innocuous or unrelated user data. Therefore, effective privacy protection techniques and tools are actively sought to prevent malicious inference of private information. These privacy preserving techniques and tools are required to work over the heterogeneous composition of diverse hardware, operating systems, and network domains.
This Special Section in IEEE Access solicits high-quality contributions that focus on the design and development of novel algorithms, technologies, and tools to address the privacy issues towards large-scale user data in social networks. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Privacy aware user data collection techniques for large-scale social networks
- Privacy preserving user data storage and management for large-scale social networks
- Privacy conserving data fusion and transformation algorithms and techniques for large-scale social networks
- Privacy conservation applications and implementations on user data in large-scale social networks
- Privacy sensitive data sharing and visualization for large-scale social networks
- Privacy aware user data access control for large-scale social networks
- Privacy preserving user data analytics, processing, and mining for large-scale social networks
- Privacy and service trade-off for large-scale mobile social network user data
- Business models and standards for privacy perseveration of large-scale social network user data
- Blockchain theories, models and applications in large-scale social networks
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Yuan Gao, Tsinghua University, China
Guest Editors:
- Zhipeng Cai, Georgia State University, USA
- Liran Ma, Texas Christian University, USA
- Yunchuan Sun, Beijing Normal University, China
- Matevz Pustisek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Su Hu, University of Electrical Science and Technology of China, China
- Yi Li, Renmin University of China, China
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Convergence of Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, and Big Data in Industrial Internet of Things
- Curbing Crowdturfing in Online Social Networks
- Advanced Data Analytics for Large-scale Complex Data Environments
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Curbing Crowdturfing in Online Social Networks
Submission Deadline: 31 May 2017
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Curbing Crowdturfing in Online Social Networks.
Online social media is reshaping the way businesses manage their sales and marketing assets. Unlike traditional media, such as TV, radio or newspapers, social media is characterized by user contributions, sharing, decentralization, and being free. In addition to gaining phenomenal popularity as the Web becomes accessible via all sorts of devices, they also have a strong influence on brands, making social media a force that many organizations can no longer ignore.
Public relations companies have hired people to post product comments on different online communities and social networks, without even consuming the services or products. While online paid posters can be used as an efficient e-marketing strategy, they can also act maliciously by spreading gossip or negative information about competitors. More specifically, a group of paid posters could operate with well-coordinated attacks, and generate a desired result of positive or negative opinions, to attract attention or trigger curiosity. This is known as “crowdturfing” or “cyber-gossips”, which can mislead online users, and put the individuals or a business in a compromising position or at serious risk.
The goal of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to solicit the latest theoretical and research application output for curbing crowdturfing. We also welcome survey or tutorial style articles with clear application background. This Special Section will focus on the following topics, and but are not limited to:
(1) Content Based Methods: Opinion Modeling and Spread Analysis
- Agent-based data retrieval
- Complex sequence analysis
- Content and Opinion analysis
- Temporal-sequential pattern mining
- Impact-oriented pattern mining
- Event/activity/action filtering
- Multi-granularity data visualization
(2) Behavior Based Methods: Behavior Modeling and Mining
- Behavior structure extraction
- Behavior life cycles
- Sequential/Parallel/Distributed behavior modeling
- Behavior dynamics
- Cyber Criminal behavior analysis
- Social networking behavior analysis
(3) Social Relation Based Methods: Cyber Analysis
- Group and group behavior detection, tracking and recognition
- Collusive crime/piracy detection
- Graph-based behavior/social modeling
- Dynamic/hidden group presentation
- Collaborative social recommendation
- Group interaction, collaboration, representation and profiling
- Cyber-Gossip Spread Models
(4) Applications and Open Case Study
- Poster spam detection
- Blog spam detection
- Click spam detection
- Identity authentication
- Botnets prevention
- Datasets for cyber-gossips detection
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Dr. Gang Li, Deakin University, Australia
Guest Editors:
1. Prof. Jianlong Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2. Prof. Lynn Batten, Deakin University, Australia
3. Prof. Sohail S. Chaudhry, Villanova University, USA
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: Bora M. Onat, Managing Editor, IEEE Access (Phone: (732) 562-6036,
Intelligent Sensing on Mobile and Social Media Analytics
Submission Deadline: 1 January 2017
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Intelligent Sensing on Mobile and Social Media Analytics.
The proliferation of mobile devices has led to a bright new stage in which multimedia search and analysis are increasingly moving from the desktop to the cloud. Nowadays, it has become convenient to capture images and videos on the mobile end and associate them with social and contextual metadata such as comments and GPS tags. Such a hybrid data structure can benefit a wide variety of potential multimedia applications on the mobile end, such as location recognition, landmark search, augmented reality, and commercial recommendations. One intrinsic potential is to explore large-scale social multimedia to assist and facilitate location related applications, which is further promoted by the evolution of mobile devices. With the combination of social and mobile cues, several problems that are previously difficult to be tackled in multimedia content analysis have also become more tractable. Current research in Intelligent Sensing addresses the following issues: Intelligent Sensing as a novel methodology for user-centered research; development of new services and applications based on human sensing, computation, and problem solving; engineering of improved Intelligent Sensing platforms including quality control mechanisms; incentive design of work; usage of Participatory Sensing for professional business; and theoretical frameworks for evaluation. This is opening a vast space of opportunities to extend the current networks, communications, and computer applications to more pervasive and mobile applications.
The purpose of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to solicit the latest theoretical research for Mobile and Social Media Analytics. We prefer survey articles with clear application background information for this Special Section and welcome articles that may also have a multidisciplinary focus. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following.
- Intelligent Sensing visual search and augmented reality
- Location based recommendation systems
- Intelligent Sensing computing and communication
- Intelligent Sensing big data computing for social and mobile applications
- Multi device scene modeling in ad hoc wireless network
- Mobile and social network privacy
- Cloud-terminal collaboration in Intelligent Sensing computation
- Future trends in mobile Intelligent Sensing analytics
- Real-time Intelligent Sensing and mobile crowd sensing
- Adaptive Intelligent Sensing platforms
- Social media, semantic web viewpoints, and Intelligent Sensing blog platforms
- Experience reports and studies of Intelligent Sensing (i.e., services, testing, and measurements)
- Intelligent Sensing based security of mobile devices
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Weiyao Lin, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Guest Editors:
1. Zheng Xu, Tsinghua University & The Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, China
2. Yunhuai Liu, The Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, China
3. Neil Yen, University of Aizu, Japan
4. Raymond Choo, University of South Australia, Australia
5. Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University, USA
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: Bora M. Onat, Managing Editor, IEEE Access (Phone: (732) 562-6036,
Trust Management in Pervasive Social Networking (TruPSN)
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2017
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Trust Management in Pervasive Social Networking.
With the rapid growth of mobile computing and social networking, social networks have extended its popularity from the Internet to mobile domain. Pervasive social networking (PSN) ensures social communications at any time and in any place in a universal manner. PSN supports on-line and instant (i.e., pervasive) social activities based on heterogeneous networks and is treated as one of killer applications in the next generation mobile networks and wireless systems (i.e., 5G). There are various applications over PSN. Typical examples include social chatting, gaming, rescuing, recommending and information sharing. Because group mobility is very common in modern life, PSN has become valuable for mobile users, especially when they are familiar strangers and often appear in vicinity. PSN greatly extends our experiences of social communications.
However, trust and reputation management has not been extensively considered in existing studies, although trust plays an important role in PSN for reciprocal activities among strangers. A number of issues, such as trustworthy identification and authentication, PSN data communication security, user privacy preservation, trust relationship evaluation, evolution and enhancement, unwanted information control, privacy-preserving social data search and mining, user-device trust interaction, etc. have not been extensively studied. Pervasive social networking introduces additional challenges to track and resist malicious social behaviors in practice, especially when user privacy and PSN security should be seriously considered and stringently supported. This Special Section in IEEE Access aims at presenting advanced academic and industrial research results related to trust management in PSN.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Trust evaluation and reputation generation in PSN
- Security and trust framework of PSN
- Trustworthy human-computer interaction
- Data trust and user trust
- Identity management and identity trust
- Privacy preservation and enhancement
- Social communication and networking protection
- Intrusion detection and unwanted content control in PSN
- Trustworthy and anonymous authentication in PSN
- Trustworthy and privacy-preserving social data mining, clustering and classification
- Privacy-preserving social data search
- Social acceptance studies of PSN applications and services
- Applications of PSN trust and reputation management
- PSN based schemes for security protection
- Biometrics schemes for TruPSN
- Case studies and practical examples
- Performance evaluation of TruPSN
- Security, trust and privacy of PSN in 5G (e.g., D2D communications)
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Zheng Yan, Xidian University, China; Aalto University, Finland
Guest Editors:
1. Honggang Wang, UMass Dartmouth, USA
3. Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
4. Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: Bora M. Onat, Managing Editor, IEEE Access (Phone: (732) 562-6036,
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