A Lightweight Authentication Scheme for Power IoT Based on PUF and Chebyshev Chaotic Map

With the wide application of IoT technologies in the power sector, power IoT faces serious security challenges, which can be severely affected by malicious attacks and unauthorised access. Meanwhile, devices in power IoT are usually resource-constrained and deployed in a decentralised manner, making them vulnerable to physical attacks. Therefore, a robust and reliable lightweight authentication scheme needs to be constructed to guarantee its information security. A lightweight authentication scheme for the power IoT based on Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) and Chebyshev chaotic map is proposed in this paper, which achieves two-way authentication and session key negotiation between gateways and terminal devices. Comparing with traditional authentication schemes, the PUF and Chebyshev chaotic map used in this scheme have high security and lower resource overhead. PUF is used to generate Challenge and Response Pairs (CRPs) for two-way authentication and key negotiation without storing any secret information about authentication in the device memory. At the same time, Chebyshev chaotic map is used to protect the transmission of secret information such as CRPs in insecure channels. The solution is therefore resistant to attacks such as physical, machine learning modelling and impersonation, ensuring the information security of the authentication process. The proposed scheme is analyzed and verified using the formal verification tool ProVerif and improved BAN logic along with informal methods. The verification results show that the scheme satisfies 12 security properties such as two-way authentication and user anonymity. Comparative analysis with existing related authentication schemes shows that the proposed scheme has low computation and communication costs while guaranteeing security, thus rendering it suitable for resource-constrained terminal devices in the power IoT.

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