MCQGen: A Large Language Model-Driven MCQ Generator for Personalized Learning
In the dynamic landscape of contemporary education, the evolution of teaching strategies such as blended learning and flipped classrooms has highlighted the need for efficient and effective generation of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). To address this, we introduce MCQGen, a novel generative artificial intelligence framework designed for the automated creation of MCQs. MCQGen uniquely integrates a large language model (LLM) with retrieval-augmented generation and advanced prompt engineering techniques, drawing from an extensive external knowledge base. This integration significantly enhances the ability of the LLM to produce educationally relevant questions that align with both the goals of educators and the diverse learning needs of students. The framework employs innovative prompt engineering, combining chain-of-thought and self-refine prompting techniques, to enhance the performance of the LLM. This process leads to the generation of questions that are not only contextually relevant and challenging but also reflective of common student misconceptions, contributing effectively to personalized learning experiences and enhancing student engagement and understanding. Our extensive evaluations showcase the effectiveness of MCQGen in producing high-quality MCQs for various educational needs and learning styles. The framework demonstrates its potential to significantly reduce the time and expertise required for MCQ creation, marking its practical utility in modern education. In essence, MCQGen offers an innovative and robust solution for the automated generation of MCQs, enhancing personalized learning in the digital era.
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Exploring Students’ Perceptions of ChatGPT: Thematic Analysis and Follow-Up Survey
ChatGPT has sparked both excitement and skepticism in education. To analyze its impact on teaching and learning it is crucial to understand how students perceive ChatGPT and assess its potential and challenges. Toward this, we conducted a two-stage study with senior students in a computer engineering program ( n=56 ). In the first stage, we asked the students to evaluate ChatGPT using their own words after they used it to complete one learning activity. The returned responses (3136 words) were analyzed by coding and theme building (36 codes and 15 themes). In the second stage, we used the derived codes and themes to create a 27-item questionnaire. The students responded to this questionnaire three weeks later after completing other activities with the help of ChatGPT. The results show that the students admire the capabilities of ChatGPT and find it interesting, motivating, and helpful for study and work. They find it easy to use and appreciate its human-like interface that provides well-structured responses and good explanations. However, many students feel that ChatGPT’s answers are not always accurate and most of them believe that it requires good background knowledge to work with since it does not replace human intelligence. So, most students think that ChatGPT needs to be improved but are optimistic that this will happen soon. When it comes to the negative impact of ChatGPT on learning, academic integrity, jobs, and life, the students are divided. We conclude that ChatGPT can and should be used for learning. However, students should be aware of its limitations. Educators should try using ChatGPT and guide students on effective prompting techniques and how to assess generated responses. The developers should improve their models to enhance the accuracy of given answers. The study provides insights into the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT in education and informs future research and development.
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Published in the IEEE Education Society Section
Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. Premised on a narrative and framework for assessing AI identified from a preliminary analysis, the scope of the study was limited to the application and effects of AI in administration, instruction, and learning. A qualitative research approach, leveraging the use of literature review as a research design and approach was used and effectively facilitated the realization of the study purpose. Artificial intelligence is a field of study and the resulting innovations and developments that have culminated in computers, machines, and other artifacts having human-like intelligence characterized by cognitive abilities, learning, adaptability, and decision-making capabilities. The study ascertained that AI has extensively been adopted and used in education, particularly by education institutions, in different forms. AI initially took the form of computer and computer related technologies, transitioning to web-based and online intelligent education systems, and ultimately with the use of embedded computer systems, together with other technologies, the use of humanoid robots and web-based chatbots to perform instructors’ duties and functions independently or with instructors. Using these platforms, instructors have been able to perform different administrative functions, such as reviewing and grading students’ assignments more effectively and efficiently, and achieve higher quality in their teaching activities. On the other hand, because the systems leverage machine learning and adaptability, curriculum and content has been customized and personalized in line with students’ needs, which has fostered uptake and retention, thereby improving learners experience and overall quality of learning.
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Robots and Wizards: An Investigation Into Natural Human–Robot Interaction
The goal of the study was to research different communication modalities needed for intuitive Human-Robot Interaction. This study utilizes a Wizard of Oz prototyping method to enable a restriction-free, intuitive interaction with an industrial robot. The data from 36 test subjects suggests a high preference for speech input, automatic path planning and pointing gestures. The catalogue developed during this experiment contains intrinsic gestures suggesting that the two most popular gestures per action can be sufficient to cover the majority of users. The system scored an average of 74% in different user interface experience questionnaires, while containing forced flaws. These findings allow a future development of an intuitive Human-Robot interaction system with high user acceptance.
*The video published with this article received a promotional prize for the 2020 IEEE Access Best Multimedia Award (Part 2).
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Future Generation Smart Cities Research: Services, Applications, Case Studies and Policymaking Considerations for Well-Being [Part II]
Submission Deadline: 20 February 2020
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Future Generation Smart Cities Research: Services, Applications, Case Studies and Policymaking Considerations for Well-Being [Part II].
Research on smart cities is maturing and the question of securing the well-being of cities’ inhabitants is attracting increasing attention of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Urban computing occupies a central position in this context as advances in this domain will define the scope of possible developments and policymaking strategies in any city. Considering the challenges and opportunities cities/urban spaces generate, today the imperative is to examine how targeted research and cutting-edge innovation can be effectively communicated to all stakeholders so that, ultimately, synergies emerging at the research-innovation-policymaking nexus can be exploited and thus city dwellers’ well-being enhanced. Since urban computing serves as a framework that integrates increasingly sophisticated technologies pertinent to the Internet of Things (IoT), pervasive computing, big data analytics, crowdsourcing, and volunteered geographic information, including user behavior, brand popularity, recommender systems, and social media analytics, it bears the promise and potential that viable solutions to key problems and challenges specific to cities/urban spaces will be worked out. The objective of this Special Section is to examine this promise and potential from a variety of complementary interdisciplinary perspectives, including (but not limited to) computing/ICT, political economy, public policy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- ICTs and their role in integrative knowledge management systems for smart cities
- Application of public policies aimed at boosting research and innovation for smart cities
- Smart generation of volunteered information to finance geared toward research and innovation promotion in smart cities
- Pervasive computing applied in the transformation from cities to smart cities
- Smart and collaborative mobile applications to analyze the human dynamics in big cities
- The role of cryptocurrency technology for Social Economic Growth in smart cities
- Case studies based on IoT and Big Data Analytics technologies applied to smart cities
- Enhancement and strategic development of skills and competencies for the required digital transformation to develop public policy making
- Advanced computing approaches and systems for international business leadership in the context of smart cities
- Building international innovation networks enabled by sound technological innovative applications for the sustainability of smart cities
- Blended (concept- and practice-driven) approaches to smart cities research
- Smart and open data acquisition and processing
- Volunteered geographic information
- Pervasive and mobile computing to analyze the social impact in smart cities
- Cloud computing for smart services inside smart cities
- Smart healthcare applications in the development of public safety policies
- Big Data Analytics to smart data from smart cities
- Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to smart cities applications
- Cryptocurrency technology to impact the social economic growth in smart cities
- Crowd-sensing with 5G sensors to smart cities
- Nanotechnology applied to successful cases in smart cities
- Cognitive computing to describe behavior in the knowledge society
- Regulatory and policymaking considerations, including the role of international organizations in context of smart cities and their evolution
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Miltiadis D. Lytras, Deree – The American College of Greece, Greece, and King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Guest Editors:
- Anna Visvizi, Deree – The American College of Greece, Greece and Effat University, Saudi Arabia
- Akila Sarirete, Effat University, Saudi Arabia
- Miguel Tores Ruiz, Polytechnic Institue of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
- Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University, USA
Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:
- Urban Computing & Well-being in Smart Cities: Services, Applications, Policymaking Considerations
- Advanced Data Mining Methods for Social Computing
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Empowered Intelligent Transportation Systems
IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide
Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact:
Innovations in Electrical and Computer Engineering Education
Submission Deadline: 30 October 2016
IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Innovations in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Education.
The past two decades have seen significant advances in learning-related technologies, with the attendant recognition (and expectation) of their impact on the higher education system. Many new teaching methods can now be employed and their efficacy and scalability studied. In parallel, the demand for ECE education continues to grow world-wide, as an increasing world population seeks educational opportunities. There is now a growing acknowledgement that technical education must be complemented with skills for professional success such as design, leadership, communication, understanding historical and contemporary social contexts, lifelong learning, creativity, entrepreneurship, and teamwork. It is also widely accepted that solving today’s major challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach. The time is ripe for large-scale experimentation and adoption of possibly revolutionary changes in ECE education.
The purpose of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to present the latest advances in ECE Education, in the context of the above observations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- New curricula
- New teaching methodologies
- New instructional technologies
- New delivery modes, including distance-learning
- Large-scale personalized education
Submissions will be evaluated on the ongoing and future impact on ECE education. We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
Associate Editor: Zhihua Qu, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA
Guest Editors:
1. Venkataramanan Balakrishnan, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
2. Bonnie Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
3. Marwan Simaan, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA
IEEE Access Editor in Chief: Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland
Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: Bora M. Onat, Managing Editor, IEEE Access (Phone: (732) 562-6036,
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