Cross Domain Early Crop Mapping Using CropSTGAN

Driven by abundant satellite imagery, machine learning-based approaches have recently been promoted to generate high-resolution crop cultivation maps to support many agricultural applications. One of the major challenges faced by these approaches is the limited availability of ground truth labels. In the absence of ground truth, existing work usually adopts the “direct transfer strategy” that trains a classifier using historical labels collected from other regions and then applies the trained model to the target region. Unfortunately, the spectral features of crops exhibit inter-region and inter-annual variability due to changes in soil composition, climate conditions, and crop progress, the resultant models perform poorly on new and unseen regions or years. Despite recent efforts, such as the application of the deep adaptation neural network (DANN) model structure in the deep adaptation crop classification network (DACCN), to tackle the above cross-domain challenges, their effectiveness diminishes significantly when there is a large dissimilarity between the source and target regions. This paper introduces the Crop Mapping Spectral-temporal Generative Adversarial Neural Network (CropSTGAN), a novel solution for cross-domain challenges, that doesn’t require target domain labels. CropSTGAN learns to transform the target domain’s spectral features to those of the source domain, effectively bridging large dissimilarities. Additionally, it employs an identity loss to maintain the intrinsic local structure of the data. Comprehensive experiments across various regions and years demonstrate the benefits and effectiveness of the proposed approach. In experiments, CropSTGAN is benchmarked against various state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Notably, CropSTGAN significantly outperforms these methods in scenarios with large data distribution dissimilarities between the target and source domains.

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On Online Adaptive Direct Data Driven Control

Based on our recent contributions on direct data driven control scheme, this paper continues to do some new research on direct data driven control, paving another way for latter future work on advanced control theory. Firstly, adaptive idea is combined with direct data driven control, one parameter adjustment mechanism is constructed to design the parameterized controller online. Secondly, to show the input-output property for the considered closed loop system, passive analysis is studied to be similar with stability. Thirdly, to validate whether the designed controller is better or not, another safety controller modular is added to achieve the designed or expected control input with the essence of model predictive control. Finally, one simulation example confirms our proposed theories. More generally, this paper studies not only the controller design and passive analysis, but also some online algorithm, such as recursive parameter identification and online subgradient descent algorithm. Furthermore, safety controller modular is firstly introduced in direct data driven control scheme.

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A Novel Symmetric Stacked Autoencoder for Adversarial Domain Adaptation Under Variable Speed

At present, most of the fault diagnosis methods with extensive research and good diagnostic effect are based on the premise that the sample distribution is consistent. However, in reality, the sample distribution of rotating machinery is inconsistent due to variable working conditions, and most of the fault diagnosis algorithms have poor diagnostic effects or even invalid. To dispose the above problems, a novel symmetric stacked autoencoder (NSSAE) for adversarial domain adaptation is proposed. Firstly, the symmetric stacked autoencoder network with shared weights is used as the feature extractor to extract features which can better express the original signal. Secondly, adding domain discriminator that constituting adversarial with feature extractor to enhance the ability of feature extractor to extract domain invariant features, thus confusing the domain discriminator and making it unable to correctly distinguish the features of the two domains. Finally, to assist the adversarial training, the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) is added to the last layer of the feature extractor to align the features of the two domains in the high-dimensional space. The experimental results show that, under the condition of variable speed, the NSSAE model can extract domain invariant features to achieve the transfer between domains, and the transfer diagnosis accuracy is high and the stability is strong.

*Published in the IEEE Reliability Society Section within IEEE Access.

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The Internet of Federated Things (IoFT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is on the verge of a major paradigm shift. In the IoT system of the future, IoFT, the “cloud” will be substituted by the “crowd” where model training is brought to the edge, allowing IoT devices to collaboratively extract knowledge and build smart analytics/models while keeping their personal data stored locally. This paradigm shift was set into motion by the tremendous increase in computational power on IoT devices and the recent advances in decentralized and privacy-preserving model training, coined as federated learning (FL). This article provides a vision for IoFT and a systematic overview of current efforts towards realizing this vision. Specifically, we first introduce the defining characteristics of IoFT and discuss FL data-driven approaches, opportunities, and challenges that allow decentralized inference within three dimensions: (i) a global model that maximizes utility across all IoT devices, (ii) a personalized model that borrows strengths across all devices yet retains its own model, (iii) a meta-learning model that quickly adapts to new devices or learning tasks. We end by describing the vision and challenges of IoFT in reshaping different industries through the lens of domain experts. Those industries include manufacturing, transportation, energy, healthcare, quality & reliability, business, and computing.

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