Reliability in Sensor-Cloud Systems and Applications (SCSA)

Submission Deadline: 28 February 2021

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Reliability in Sensor-Cloud Systems and Applications (SCSA).

The sensor-cloud system (SCS) integrates sensors, sensor networks, and cloud for managing sensors, collecting data, and decision-making. The integration provides flexible, low-cost, and reconfigurable platforms for monitoring and controlling the applications, including emerging applications of the Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine, and cyber-physical systems. Though the SCS has received tremendous attention from both academia and industry because of its numerous exciting applications, it suffers from issues with reliability.

The reliability of the SCS is the ability to perform required functions at or below a given failure rate for a given period of time. The required functions are identified as correctly providing measurement results. Sensor data can be faulty due to system faults or security attacks during the sensor data acquisition and collection, and data processing/decision-making on the cloud. There is also the possibility of not receiving the data at all or received data is compromised. Sensor data is also susceptible to errors and interference such as noise. Furthermore, to save sensor resources, end-users are becoming more dependent on cloud processing and decision-making. This enables significant interactions between sensors and between sensors and the cloud. As a result, the required functions can be extended to cover more concerns, including system design and integration, system continuity, real-time responsiveness, data security, and prevention of privacy intrusions, etc. This is why practitioners and engineers must also be able to measure imprecision and true reliability for both the data and the system that deals with the data.  When designing and developing the SCS for real applications, the reliability verification at any level is required.

This Special Section aims to collect and publish state-of-art research results to solve the reliability concerns of sensor-cloud systems.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Reliability theory, standardization, modeling, and architecture for SCSA
  • Reliability in sensor design and integration in SCSA
  • Reliability in communication and networking in SCSA
  • Reliability in sensor data privacy processing, computing, and control in SCSA
  • Reliability in applying machine learning models and methods for SCSA
  • Reliability through data security, privacy, and trust for SCSA
  • Reliability concerns in monitoring diverse applications of SCSA
  • Reliability through QoS in application monitoring in SCSA
  • Reliability issues (e.g., cloud storage, computing, decision-making) in SCSA
  • Reliability in fog and edge computing in SCSA
  • Reliability in mobile sensing, offloading and tracking in SCSA
  • Reliability assessment, measures, and testbeds for SCSA
  • Reliability levels and relations, metrics, and measures for SCSA
  • Data quality assurance and quality control in SCSA
  • Effective network design and development of SCSA
  • Smartphone-based and heterogeneous design of SCSA
  • Reliability through fault-tolerance and reliability in SCSA

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility and downloads of articles.


Associate Editor:  Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fordham University, USA

Guest Editors:

    1. Arafatur Rahman, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
    2. Liu Qin, Hunan University, China
    3. Xuyun Zhang, Macquarie University, Australia
    4. Taufiq Asyhari, Coventry University, UK


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Additive Manufacturing Security
  2. Advanced Sensor Technologies on Water Monitoring and Modeling
  3. The convergence of Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, and Big Data in Industrial Internet of Things


IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

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