Mobile Multimedia: Methodology and Applications

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Mobile Multimedia: Methodology and Applications.

With the development of mobile computing and high-speed communication technologies, there is an increasing demand for mobile multimedia services and applications. Emerging technologies, such as mobile TV, 3D video, 360-degree video, multi-view video, free-viewpoint video, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR), have received significant interest and attention from both academia and industry. Those technologies are widely expected to bring exciting services and applications for monitoring, entertaining, training, and operating in the areas of smart home, smart city, public safety, healthcare, education, manufacturing, transportation, etc.

There are many open research issues in developing mobile multimedia systems, which could potentially affect many domains, including mobile computing, context-aware computing, human-computer interaction, cybernetics, cyber-physical human systems (CPHS), and information security and privacy. For example, the two-way communication between user devices and content providers in mobile interactive multimedia systems is highly delay-sensitive. Thus, latency modeling and evaluation is critical to system architecture design and resource allocation. Besides, as many mobile multimedia applications are location-related, research on real-time location-aware computing and context-aware computing becomes important in the development of mobile multimedia systems. Moreover, new networking and computing technologies, such as social networks, software-defined networks, edge and fog computing, and content-centric networking are expected to have great impacts on the design of mobile multimedia systems. For example, to reduce latency for AR/VR applications, software on edge computing servers can provide local object tracking and local AR/VR content caching. In addition, trust and privacy issues are very important concerns to users as malicious applications could deceive users by taking advantage of interactivity and providing false content. This Special Section in IEEE Access focuses on various theoretical and experimental views on the methodology and applications of mobile multimedia.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Architecture, algorithms, and applications of next-generation mobile multimedia systems
  • Metrics and evaluation of mobile multimedia quality
  • 3D mobile multimedia
  • Mobile interactive multimedia and AR/VR
  • Mobile multimedia networking, streaming, and computing
  • Mobile multimedia for internet of things (IoT)
  • Mobile multimedia for human-centered cyber-physical systems (CPS)
  • Standardization and prototypes
  • Security and privacy
  • Mobile multimedia data analytics
  • Artificial intelligence for mobile multimedia

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor:  Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

Guest Editors:

  1. Dalei Wu, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA
  2. Qing Yang, University of North Texas, USA
  3. Dapeng Wu, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
  4. Danda B. Rawat, Howard University, USA
  5. Enzo Mingozzi, University of Pisa, Italy


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Recent Advances on Video Coding and Security
  2. Smart Caching, Communications, Computing and Cybersecurity for Information-Centric Internet of Things
  3. Sustainable Infrastructures, Protocols, and Research Challenges for Fog Computing

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

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