Innovation and Application of Internet of Things and Emerging Technologies in Smart Sensing

Submission Deadline: 01 January 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Innovation and Application of Internet of Things and Emerging Technologies in Smart Sensing.

Internet of Things (IoT) technology is not just about the connection among billions of devices, it is about enabling a wide range of new capabilities, architectures, or service paradigms. The scale of the IoT is set to have major economic, social, and environmental impact, the intersection of which forms future sustainable growth.

However, the implementation of IoT faces various challenges, including sensing ability, energy consumption, power supply, data security, privacy, and data accountability. To mitigate this issue, more and more IoT systems are embracing the new IoT paradigm, such as mmWave, sensor-less sensing, backscattering Wi-Fi/RFID, wireless/vision hybrid, block chain, fat client, etc. These modes shed light on the emerging technologies that could revolutionize the conventional IoT system.

This Special Section in IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Internet of Things (IoT). We particularly encourage articles demonstrating novel methods and systems to the latest IoT applications. Applications may be drawn by investigating the usage of novel methods for all aspects of sensing, energy saving, mixed architecture, and security management.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Emerging technologies in smart sensing
  • Edge computing in IoT fat client
  • Emerging architecture in mixed IoT and edge computing
  • Joint sensing and communication in IoT network
  • Modeling of sensor systems in IoT network
  • IoT and Edge Computing for Smart Cities
  • Big Data in IoT system
  • Low-latency, High-reliability Communications for IoT
  • Security, privacy and forensics in IoT
  • 5G support for IoT data transmission

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor:  Honghao Gao, Shanghai University, China

Guest Editors:

  1. Shaojie Tang, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
  2. Wan Du, University of California, USA
  3. Xinheng Wang,  Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China
  4. Yuyu Yin, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Data Analytics
  2. Trends and Advances for Ambient Intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) systems
  3. Healthcare Big Data

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: