Healthcare Information Technology for the Extreme and Remote Environments

Submission Deadline: 10 April 2019

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Healthcare Information Technology for the Extreme and Remote Environments.

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Healthcare Information Technology for Extreme and Remote Environments (HITERE). Extreme and rural medicine means having to treat health issues in the most challenging and sometimes inhospitable environments. It can occur in places completely removed from all of the standard procedures, comforts, protocols, and technologies, or during a crisis such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes that result in power failures and computer inoperability.. Knowing how to deal with the unique challenges encountered saves lives and communities. Hospitals and clinicians are being challenged to do more with less, yet there are limited attempts to develop solutions and applications that work in such challenging environments. This Special Section in IEEE Access aims to provide researchers and practitioners a platform to present innovative solutions based on emerging technologies like IoT, blockchain, electronic data interchange (EDI) and wireless sensors networks.  The main focus of this Special Section is to address the current research challenges by encouraging submissions related to the advanced Healthcare Information technologies.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Architecture, models, and design for trustworthiness for Extreme Environments
  • Network and system trustworthiness
  • Data trust, device trust and user trust
  • Identity management and identity trust
  • Modeling, Simulation and Protocols for Extreme Environments
  • Backup Technologies for Extreme Environments
  • Patient data delivery over unsecured channels
  • Medical images processing for Extreme Environments
  • Robustness against Environmental changes (cryosphere, land, oceans, and atmosphere)
  • Remote sensoring, and their associated technologies
  • Smart OTA Healthcare Apps for Extreme Environments
  • OTA Telepresence
  • Survivable Systems
  • Robotics and unmanned vehicles for Extreme Environments
  • IoT and Wearables for Extreme Environments
  • Navigation and Communication Technologies for Extreme Environments
  • Cloud Computing for Extreme Environments

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor:  Sabah Mohammed, Lakehead University, Canada

Guest Editors:

  1. Tai-hoon Kim, Sungshin W. University, Korea
  2. Osvaldo Gervasi, University of Perugia, Italy
  3. Jinan Fiaidhi, Lakehead University, Canada

Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:


  1. Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Data Analytics
  2. Trends and Advances for Ambient Intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) systems
  3. Healthcare Big Data

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
Michael Pecht, Professor and Director, CALCE, University of Maryland

Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: