Emerging Approaches to Cyber Security

Submission Deadline: 30 April 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Emerging Approaches to Cyber Security.

The Internet has become a key feature for any business activity. Criminal activity is no exception. Some crimes prior to the Internet, such as theft and scams, have now found the perfect tool for developing their activities- the Internet. The internet allows criminals to hide their real identity and to execute several kinds of offenses (e.g. to sell drugs, to sell private information, child pornography, etc.) and all this is thanks to the possibility of purchasing, in different black markets, specific and advanced tools to facilitate these activities for a low risk and a low economic investment.

In recent years, Internet Crime (e-Crime) has changed its business model, becoming more professional. The most skilled criminals offer their services to other criminals with less IT skills. This is known as CaaS (Crime-as-a-Service). Criminals often offer their skills in forums and markets of the Deep Web and the Dark Net, where advanced anonymization techniques are used to allow users to communicate freely without being traced. In these sites, potential clients can find many types of solutions for illegal activities. For instance, they find software kits, which allow less skilled criminals to infect thousands of computers to steal sensitive information, such as online bank credentials and credit card details.

The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Computational and artificial intelligence
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Big Data
  • Social implications of technology
  • Information Security
  • Advances in Traditional System Forensic Methods
  • Multimedia and Artifact Analysis
  • Emerging Approaches to Cyber security
  • Incident Response and Malware Analysis
  • SCADA Forensics and Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Digital Forensic Science
  • Cyber Crime Law, Psychology and Economics


We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor: Luis Javier García Villalba, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Guest Editors:

  1. Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, University of Brasilia, Brazil
  2. Mario Blaum, IBM Almaden Research Center, CA, USA
  3. Tai-Hoon Kim, Sungshin Women’s University, South Korea


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Advanced Software and Data Engineering for Secure Societies
  2. Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data Against Cyber Crime
  3. Security Analytics and Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief: 
Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Paper submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: javiergv@fdi.ucm.es