Edge Intelligence for Internet of Things

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Edge Intelligence for Internet of Things.

Internet of Things (IoT) is a key enabler for many modernized applications, from marine monitoring to outer space exploration. In recent years, we have witnessed the proliferation of edge/mobile computing and IoT, where billions of mobile and IoT devices are connected to the Internet, generating a huge volume of data at the network edge. Driven by this trend, edge computing, an emerging computing paradigm, has received a tremendous amount of interest. By pushing data storage, computing, analysis and control closer to the network edge, edge computing has been widely recognized as a promising solution to meet the requirements of low latency, high scalability and energy efficiency, as well as alleviate the network traffic.

However, with the emergence of diverse IoT applications (e.g., smart home, smart city, industrial automation, connected vehicles), it becomes challenging for edge computing to deal with these heterogeneous IoT environments with edge big data. Motivated by the success of artificial intelligence (AI) in a wide spectrum of fields, it is envisaged that AI-powered edge computing can overcome the emerging challenges by fully unleashing the potential of the edge big data. The resulting new inter-discipline, edge AI or edge intelligence, is beginning to receive a tremendous amount of interest. However, research on edge intelligence for IoT is still in its infancy stage, and a dedicated venue for exchanging the recent advances of edge intelligence is highly desired by both the computer system and artificial intelligence communities. There are still many fundamental challenges faced in how to improve the architecture of IoT while fully utilizing these techniques (communication, big data processing, and computing etc.,) Some open issues require immediate review, such as:

  • How can we utilize advanced capabilities of IoT, such as in-network storage and caching, to offload the IoT data in order to release the traffic scale in the cellular networks and provide low-latency IoT services via edge intelligence?
  • Can we leverage recent advances in computing and machine learning to develop IoT?
  • How can we design novel security schemes such as lightweight encryption and blockchain, to reduce the energy consumption of a secure IoT network?
  • How can we support good system observability and controllability with the employment of edge intelligence in the IoT platform?
  • How can we realize big data analysis at the edge of IoT to promote traditional IoT to content-centric IoT integrated with 5G/6G?

The aim of this Special Section is to solicit original submissions related to edge intelligence for IoT including but not limited to:

  • Advanced system modeling, including computation modeling, content modeling, threat/security modeling, and energy consumption modeling
  • Novel transmission technologies for learning-based applications at the network edge
  • Scheduling schemes for efficient training, inference for edge learning/edge intelligence
  • Timely data acquisition mechanisms to support delay sensitive edge processing
  • Big data analytics for edge intelligence
  • Coded computing for edge intelligence
  • Enabling technologies, e.g., SDN, NFV, CRAN, D2D, cloud/fog computing and networking
  • Emerging applications via edge intelligence: vehicular networking, massive IoT, smart grid, healthcare, intelligent manufacturing
  • Novel network architecture: convergence of computing, communications and caching, content/information-centric network, cognitive computing and networking, big data analytics
  • Context-aware schemes: incentive mechanism for computing and caching, pricing, game-theoretic approach, network economics, caching placement and delivery
  • Mobility management for mobile edge computing and proactive caching, i.e., exploiting mobility for more computing and caching opportunities
  • Energy efficiency aspects: energy harvesting, energy storage, energy transfer
  • Novel pricing schemes for edge computing, communications, energy, AI model, data resources
  • AR/VR applications
  • Tactile Internet
  • Novel security technologies such as adapted blockchain, differential privacy, intrusion detection, traceability, etc.
  • Novel applications for edge intelligence such as autonomous driving, Industry 4.0, networked robots, networked UAV, smart grid, energy Internet, etc.
  • Prototyping, test-beds and field trials

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility and downloads of articles.


Associate Editor:  Zhenyu Zhou, North China Electric Power University, China

Guest Editors:

    1. Takuro Sato, Professor, Waseda University, Japan
    2. Zheng Chang, Associate Professor, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
    3. Sherali Zeadally, Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, USA
    4. Haris Gacanin, Department Head, Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Edge Computing and Networking for Ubiquitous AI
  2. Communication and Fog/Edge Computing Towards Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs)
  3. Cloud-Fog-Edge Computing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS)

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact: zhenyu_zhou@ncepu.edu.cn.