Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Empowered Intelligent Transportation Systems

Submission Deadline: 01 June 2020

IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Empowered Intelligent Transportation Systems.

The topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI)- Empowered Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has drawn more attention recently, with the rapid development of ubiquitous networks and smart vehicles. Researchers around the world have been working on new automotive applications to create a comfortable and safer driving environment. Current challenges include: how to run computing-intensive applications on vehicles; how to enable real-time feedback between vehicles and the traffic management server based on the current Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication modes; and how to provide efficient computing capabilities for resource-consumption applications, and reasonable resource allocation for vehicles and infrastructures. AI-Empowered solutions, such as deep learning and reinforcement learning, should help relieve computational loads for vehicles. Recently, AI has achieved remarkable achievements in many fields, such as image processing, pattern recognition, and natural language processing, etc. It is also involved in computing-intensive applications, such as autopilot and real-time navigation through V2V or V2I. However, AI-Empowered ITS is still in its infancy. How can AI be integrated with ITS and make it work well in dynamic vehicular network scenarios? Furthermore, there are still questions on how to design more efficient AI solutions for resource management in ITS.

The objective of this Special Section in IEEE Access is to introduce the current developments and advancements of the technical elements of the AI-Empowered ITS, from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Architecture and framework establishment of AI-Empowered ITS
  • Design of efficient AI solutions in ITS
  • AI-Empowered approach of route planning in ITS
  • AI-Empowered approach of traffic scheduling in ITS
  • AI-Empowered resource management in ITS
  • AI-Empowered security and privacy protection in ITS
  • AI-Empowered real-time applications in ITS
  • Testing and evaluation tools for AI-Empowered ITS
  • Novel applications based on AI-Empowered ITS
  • Future AI-Empowered ITS: challenges and open issues

We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.


Associate Editor:  Edith Ngai, Uppsala University, Sweden

Guest Editors:

    1. Chao Chen, Chongqing University, China
    2. Amr M. Tolba, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
    3. Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fordham University, USA
    4. Fanzhao Wang, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, China


Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections:

  1. Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation
  2. Trends and Advances for Ambient Intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) systems
  3. Communication, Control, and Computation Issues in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks

IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief:
  Prof. Derek Abbott, University of Adelaide

Article submission: Contact Associate Editor and submit manuscript to:

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